Promoting a brand, products and services online is called internet marketing. There are many strategies to use in combinations in order to achieve optimal results and attract more people to your business. There are numerous techniques that will drive online traffic, leads and ultimately sales using internet marketing tools. The different strategies include:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Websites get ranked in search engines according to their ability to be optimized properly.
Content Marketing – Websites that share applicable and valuable information to their audiences, which in turn creates a constant flow of traffic to the website.
Creating high quality content by and using proper keywords throughout your website in order to acquire more search results.
Earn Backlinks from trusted sources in your industry that help solidify your online reputation.
Content Marketing comes in many forms including ebooks, blogs, vlogs, videos, infographics, podcasts etc.
It is important to post often and consistently to drive more traffic to your website.
Social media marketing
Social Media networks are extremely powerful online marketing tools. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, You Tube, Pinterest are examples of Social Media Platforms
As you know social media platforms have massive audiences, and this exposure allows you to build your brand awareness.
You can share knowledge and interact directly with your audience. It can set you apart from your competitors by showing that you care about your customers.
Social Media Advertising – This is another cost effective internet advertising strategy, and it helps to generate an online presence. This includes running ads on your choice of social media platforms including: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, You Tube, Pinterest etc.
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising – This is a form of paid search ads or display ads online. Users click on the ad that then takes them to a landing page, and the business pays for the ad per click through. This is generally a very cost effective way to drive traffic to your website.